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Partea A 1. Axolotul 2. Instructiuni privind uciderea furnicilor din Roma Partea B 1. Instructiuni privind urcatul scarilor 2. Instructiuni preliminare privind intorsul ceasului 3. Instructiuni priv...
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With an Introduction and Notes by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury One of the great Classics of Western Literature, Les Misérables is a magisterial work which is rich in both character po...
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Lawrence's reputation as a novelist has often meant that his achievements in poetry have failed to receive the recognition they deserve. This edition brings together, in a form he himself sanctioned,...
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Housman's melodic and memorable poems have been popular for over a century. He writes typically of lost love, of the brevity of happiness, of young soldiers doomed to die. Admirers have found his work...
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Mystery and adventure for four young detectives in Ancient Roman times... It's summer in the Bay of Naples - time for fun and relaxation. Everyone is thinking about love at the beautiful Villa Limon...
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„Eram mult mai singur decat sunt acum, cand sunt foarte singur. Meseria mea, pe atunci, era singuratatea. Mi-o exercitam pe strazile galbene si prafuite ale Bucurestiului, in cartie...
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Picking up from where Fleming left off in 1966 with The Living Daylights / Octopussy, Faulks has written the perfect continuation of the James Bond legacy. Devil May Care is set during the Cold War an...
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Pe cand iubeam -C-am suferit si eu de-aceasta boala- Iubeam o fata care ma-nsela. Exact ca-n poezia mea: Romanta celei care-nsala, a carei eroina era ea!...
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Professor Timofey Pnin, late of Tsarist Russia, is now precariously perched at the heart of an American campus. Battling with American life and language, Pnin must face great hazards in this new world...
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Welcome to Newcastle, 1905. Ten-year-old Grace is an orphan dreaming of the mysterious African father she will never meet. Cornwall, 1953. Winsome is a young bride, recently arrived from Barbados, rea...
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“Hanging precipitously close to the chasm of our boundless obsolescence – we have forfeited all our waking hours to oozing out data-streams, and rivulets from all our pores. Digging on you...
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O casa bantuita de fantome Luni sau marti Un roman nescris Albastru si verde Semnul de pe perete Cvartetul de coarde Gradina botanica Kew Durata: 2 ore si 9 minute
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Robert Wilton held a variety of posts in the British Government. He was advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosovo in the lead-up to the country's independence, and is now helping to run an international...
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Seven Years to Sin is a smart, sensual story of a young woman's sexual awakening at the hands of a handsome rogue in Regency England. Seven years ago, on the eve of her wedding, young Lady Jessica Sh...
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Sub pragul de sus... un cizmar i-a spus unui om cu o cruce in spinare sa plece... si de aici a pornit totul. Sub pragul de sus... sub pragul de sus... e un loc, pare-se, nevinovat... unde baietii isi...
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„Textul lui Mateiu Caragiale e scris pentru acele momente din viata fiecarui om, in care trecutul e mai important decat actualitatea, voluptatea mai importanta decat adevarul, miresmele inchipuite sau...
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Syvlia Day's Passion for the Game is a tale of deception, lust and deadly desire in Georgian England. Maria, Lady Winter, is coerced into using her searing beauty and siren body to find out why dange...
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Un roman de Ieromonah Savatie Bastovoi in lectura autorului. Ilustrat cu cantari vechi grecesti si arabe cantate de Protopsalt Arhim. Nektarios Paris. „De la bun inceput, trebuie sa spunem ca textul...
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„Lucrurile stau altfel. Aici, in colonia penitenciara, principiul dupa care iau hotararile este urmatorul: vina e intotdeauna mai presus de orice indoiala. Alte tribunale nu pot urma acest principiu,...
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As a midwife working in rural poverty during the Depression, Patience Murphy's only solace is her gift: the chance to escort mothers through the challenges of childbirth. Just beginning, she takes on...
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'I am with you always, even unto the end of the world . . .'Peter Leigh is a missionary called to go on the journey of a lifetime. Leaving behind his beloved wife, Bea, Peter sets out on a quest to ta...
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Du-te cu el de Agnès Ledig este un audiobook in egala masura despre dragoste, despre viata, dar si despre moarte. Dar este in primul rand un audiobook despre dragoste si cum ar trebui sa fie ea, dar s...
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With an introduction by Dame Judi Dench. TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE is a perfect introduction to Shakespeare's greatest plays. Charles and Mary Lamb vividly bring to life the power of Hamlet and Othello,...
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When Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and their baby brother go digging in the gravel pit, the last thing they expect to find is a Psammead - an ancient Sand-fairy! Having a Sand-fairy for a pet means havi...
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'Tell me what happened while there's still time,' demands the dying Senator Adam Sunraider to the itinerate black baptist minister he calls Daddy Hickman. As a young orphan, Sunraider was taken in and...
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The Twelfth Day of July is first of Joan Lingard's influential Kevin and Sadie books, set in Belfast during the Troubles. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. Sadie is...
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'I was living in even greater circles of gangsterdom than I had dreamed, latitudes and longitudes of gangsterdom' It's 1930's New York and fifteen-year-old streetkid Billy, who can juggle, somersaul...
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Growing up in the world of the 'five towns' of industrial England, with their furnaces and chimneys, huddled red-brown streets, prayer meetings and small-minded bigotry, Anna is dominated by her miser...
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The world has ended: the earth is scorched, and fever rages through the population. Out of the chaos, a boy emerges with the power to change everything: Thomas. This is the start of his story. Anelect...
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DEAR NOBODY by Berlie Doherty, winner of the Carnegie Medal, is the moving story of two teenagers and an unplanned pregnancy. It is one of The Originals from Penguin - iconic, outspoken, first. This...
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Audiobookurile Levantul si Ruletistul, in editii integrale. Setul contine 6 CD-uri, cu o durata totala a auditiei de 6 ore si 31 de minute.
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Audiobookurile Cum au inflorit horile in glasul meu si De unul singur. Setul contine 3 CD-uri; durata totala a auditiei este de 2 ore si 49 de minute.
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Trei audiobookuri de Gabriel Liiceanu, in lectura autorului: Ce ne facem cu calul negru, Continentele insomniei – Emil Cioran si Despre limita. Setul contine 6 CD-uri si durata totala a auditiei este...
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Trei audiobookuri in lectura lui Razvan Vasilescu: Colonia penitenciara de Franz Kafka, Tunelul de Ernesto Sabato si Povestea maiorului Patrulescu de Gabriel Liiceanu. Setul contine 5 CD-uri; durata...
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‘You do not know the dangers of beauty to these men,’ a local policeman warns. Thirty-one-year-old Sally Vyse, a former music journalist, makes a one-way journey from London to Somaliland, carrying wi...
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Partea A 1. Copilul jegos (Partea I) Partea B 1. Copilul jegos (Partea II)
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